5 tips on how to prepare for JAMB exam 2024

Having to prepare for JAMB exam is something that could be challenging, especially if you don’t know how to go about it. However, it can less of hassle if you have some tips to follow and in this informational piece we will be giving you some tips on how to prepare for JAMB exam.

prepare for JAMB exam

It is no news that candidates who prepare well for JAMB are setting themselves up for success, but the case is different for people who do not prepare well.

JAMB isn’t as hard an exam as people claim, everything boils down to your preparations. Let’s get into the tips you can follow to prepare for JAMB exam and pass excellently.

5 tips on how to prepare for JAMB exam 2024

1. Create a study and plan.

He who fails to plan, plans to fail.

Some wise person

So, a study plan is an organized schedule that a student creates that outlines study time and learning goals. It is more or less like a timetable with a schedule of subjects that will be studies daily and the study time allocated t each subject.

As you will be writing a total of 4 subjects in JAMB, a good strategy will be to prepare a timetable for how you will study every day. Dedicate more time to the subjects that are more difficult for you.

Creating a study plan does not only help you stay organized but also holds you accountable for your learning outcomes and the achievement of your goals.

2. Start studying now

Those who start studying on time have the upper hand when it comes to preparing for any exams and the same applies when you prepare for JAMB exam.

If you are still in secondary school and reading this article now, you are very lucky. Or if JAMB is at least 6 months away for, that is great! You have plenty of time to study and prepare for JAMB exam.

You can start with 30 minutes a day to read and prepare for JAMB exam and then work your way to a couple of hours everyday.

Many candidates prepare for JAMB only when the exam is around the corner, If you on the other hand start preparing on time, you will accomplish so much before your exam day approaches.

3. Study JAMB Past questions

Year after year, since the 1990s, JAMB has been conducting exams and all of the past questions have been compiled and made available to candidates in the form of hard copy books or soft copies like PDFs.

The reason you should get hold of this past question relevant to your subjects is because you need to understand JAMB pattern of setting questions.

First of all, we all know that JAMB questions are usually objective and the way you read objective questions is not the same as you read for theoretical questions.

JAMB will of course never repeat past questions but they always set similar questions over the years and if you get yourself familiar with these past questions, you will see those similarities.

Past questions are also a great way to test yourself and take quizzes. Most past questions have the answers at the back, so you can attempt to answer questions and grade yourself. This is a really fun and helpful activity.

4. Use textbooks recommended by JAMB

A lot of students waste valuable time studying irrelevant text books and materials rather than the textbooks recommended by JAMB.

Examine the JAMB brochure and syllabus to learn about the textbooks and topics you should concentrate on. This information is available on JAMB IBASS.

If you don’t want to waste time studying irrelevant textbooks and topics, go to JAMB IBASS and read the brochure and syllabus.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

JAMB exam is computer-based. This means that you will not be writing your exam on a piece of paper but using a computer.

Though this is a digital age but lot of people do not know how to use a computer.

If you are not familiar with how to use a computer, please learn that before you sit for your exam. However, using the computer for JAMB is very easy but it is good to practice with a computer before your exam day.

There are cyber cafés who offer simulations of JAMB exam using CBT software. Find them in your area and apply to take these exams. We also recommend that you apply for JAMB mock exam when registering for your JAMB exam. JAMB mock exam is organized by accredited CBT centers with approval from JAMB and students who have taken this exams have found this to be very helpful, as it gave them a first hand experience on what the main JAMB exam will be like.

Some candidates feel intimidated when they are faced with a computer on their exam day and this makes them waste valuable time. The more familiar you are with something, the less intimidated you are.

So endeavor to get comfortable with using a computer as that will be very helpful for you.

If you follow these tips diligently and you start preparing on time, it is possible for you to score very high in your JAMB exam.

Even if you are fully committed or have a full time job, you can still excel in JAMB while working.

Studying and preparing for your exam is great but do you know that it is possible to do all that preparation and still fail your JAMB exam? Well that is very possible, find out how.

We really hope you have found our tips helpful to prepare for JAMB exam. Knowing these tips is one thing but putting them into practice is another thing. If you are keen on success then endeavor to put the tips into practice on time and see how well you excel in your JAMB exams.

Feel free to share this with your friends and family if you think this might be helpful for them and do leave a comment if you have any questions.

how to prepare for JAMB exam, how do I read for JAMB, JAMB past questions, how to pass JAMB, how to score high in JAMB, how to read for JAMB,

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One Comment

  1. Thanks alot for the information
    How about the jamb mock, is it written with computer? And do then publish the result after writing?

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