All you need to know about NECO examination 2024

National Examination Council (NECO) is a Nigerian examination board that organizes examinations for Nigerian secondary school leavers. This examination body’s certificate can be used as a substitute for WAEC in conditions such as admission, employment, and scholarship requirements.

NECO Examination

National Examination Council’s Registration Requirements For 2024

The following requirements are expected to be satisfied by any prospective NECO candidate for his registration to be successful.

  1. The candidate should provide 4 copies of passport photographs
  2. The candidate’s permanent home address
  3. The candidate’s mother’s maiden name.
  4. The candidate’s parent’s name or guardian’s name.
  5. The candidate’s state of origin
  6. The candidate’s local government of origin.
  7. The candidate’s personal data.
  8. The candidate’s preferred examination subjects. It must be a minimum of 8 subjects and a maximum of 9 subjects.
  9. The candidate must undergo a compulsory biometric day capturing.
  10. The candidate must have a working email address.
  11. The candidate who intends to sit for this exam must be a final-year student of a private or public secondary school in Nigeria.
  12. The candidate that intends to register must have a personal phone number.

NECO Subjects

NECO has a total of 76 subjects, which are spread across 6 specialties.

The 6 specialties or areas include:

  1. Compulsory cross-cutting subjects ( This category refers to English language and mathematics, which are compulsory subjects for every candidate irrespective of his specialty).
  2. Sciences
  3. Technology
  4. Humanities
  5. Business studies
  6. Trade and entrepreneurship

Frequently Asked Questions About NECO 2024

Who is eligible to sit for NECO 2024?

The exam is only for candidates that are presented by schools, and not anyone else. The students that can be presented by schools are the final year students of the schools i.e the SS3 students of each school. This examination is not meant for private individuals.

When will the 2024 NECO examination start?

The examination will commence on Monday 24th May 2024, and end on Wednesday, 28th June 2024.

Does Neco have a syllabus?

The National examination council employs the use of the Nigerian secondary school syllabus to set exam questions for its candidates. The Nigerian secondary school syllabus still has the same guidelines, by which WAEC set its own questions. 

How much is the NECO examination fee?

The examination fee for 2024 is N13,350 (Thirteen thousand, five hundred and fifty naira).

Is NECO accepted internationally?

Yes, It is an internationally recognized examination certificate. It can be used for various purposes including securing admissions abroad.

The national examination council is a Nigerian national examination body that is charged with examining the country’s secondary school final-year classes. This body provides an alternative to the certificate that is issued by WAEC.

Exams are set to start on Monday 24th May 2024 and end on Wednesday, 28th June 2024.

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