What Is JAMB Mock Exam – All You Should Know

JAMB mock exam is the forerunner of the main JAMB UTME examination, that is, the JAMB mock examination holds before the main JAMB UTME examination. This mock exam is to help the aspirants get acquainted with the JAMB UTME exam setting before the actual date of commencement.

JAMB mock

On Saturday, 29th April 2024, the JAMB mock exam will hold in JAMB CBT centres nationwide.

The JAMB mock examination is a one-time examination, it doesn’t hold at different times like the regular JAMB UTME examination.

This is a result of the decision of the JAMB authorities to allow only a number of candidates that can sit for the exam, in all parts of the country at the same time. Not less than 175,000 candidates will sit for the JAMB 2024 mock.

Table of Contents

Everything You Need To Know About JAMB Mock Exam 2024

There are some facts to note about JAMB mock exam 2024.

  1. It should be known that the JAMB mock exam is not the same and will never be the same as the JAMB UTME examination. Students may get confused, because of the similarities between both examinations. But they are not the same due to the validity of the results gotten from the two exams. JAMB mock exam result is just for confidence boosting or to know areas of study where improvement is needed, but JAMB UTME result is the first line of screening for any higher institution aspirant in Nigeria. Do you see the difference between the two examinations?
  2. The JAMB mock is not an exam that candidates will be forced to come and write, and it doesn’t have any penalty for anyone who doesn’t sit for it. Every Nigerian university aspirant every year has the choice to sit out of the mock exam, or to partake in it. This may change in the nearest future but as of 2024, it’s purely optional.
  3. JAMB mock examination can only be registered during JAMB registration. So if you finish your JAMB registration without registering for JAMB mock, it means you have accepted to sit out of that year’s JAMB mock. However, JAMB CBT centre operators are obligated to ask you about your intention on the JAMB mock exam, to know if they will register you or not.
  4. Notwithstanding what anyone must have said about JAMB mock exam is hard, let it be known that it should be known that JAMB mock is simpler, this is proven by the fact that it has fewer questions than an actual JAMB UTME examination, but still, share 2 hours exam time limit. This should be enough proof to show every JAMB mock participant that there is still work to be done, even if his JAMB mock exam result was colourful.
  5. The JAMB mock examination is an examination that is strictly for UTME candidates, not for advanced-level or direct-entry candidates.
    Direct entry candidates are those candidates who are trying to switch to the university system from a polytechnic. They have probably written JAMB in the past, so the focus of the JAMB mock exam in the meantime is on the JAMB first-timers.
  6. It is necessary that I reiterate the need for information about JAMB mock exam. Suppose any JAMB candidate doesn’t register for the mock exam on the point of JAMB registration. Then he cannot sit for JAMB mock again for that particular year.
  7. The subject combination chosen in JAMB will be written in the JAMB UTME and in JAMB mock exam too. No room for changing subjects in mock.
  8. The result of the JAMB mock is only for aesthetic purposes or for motivation. The JAMB mock score doesn’t have any effect on the real JAMB UTME score.
  9. There are no charges to be paid to JAMB for the JAMB mock exam. However, the JAMB CBT centres are allowed to charge a fee of N700 for the CBT. But some centres may charge up to 1000 naira.
  10. Don’t forget that the JAMB mock isn’t scheduled like the regular JAMB UTME examination. It’s a one-day affair. No second batches. Every JAMB mock participant enters the hall at the same time and leaves at the same time.
  11. There is no penalty for missing JAMB mock, after registering for it. At least, no penalty for now.
  12. The JAMB mock is strongly recommended for JAMB first-timers. They need the pre-UTME experience to be able to have a glimpse of what the main UTME examination is like.
  13. There is a low chance of repetition of questions from JAMB mock exam in JAMB UTME . If it happens, that’s the candidate’s luck.
  14. For candidates to know their JAMB mock exam venue, date, and time; they need to reprint JAMB mock slip.
    The JAMB mock slip will be the pass to be used to enter the JAMB mock exam hall.
    The steps to reprint JAMB mock slip will be listed in this article.
  15. JAMB mock results are published by JAMB 24 hours after the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions About JAMB Mock

What is the benefit of JAMB mock?

This test is primarily to eradicate any JAMB UTME-related anxiety. It gives JAMB candidates a chance to have little or no worries, and a huge confidence boost ahead of the main UTME examination.

How many marks is the total for JAMB mock?

This is an area JAMB mock shares some similarities with the JAMB UTME exam. The total marks for JAMB mock is 400, just like JAMB UTME.

How many hours is the JAMB mock?

The total time for the JAMB mock is 2 hours.

 There is a lot to know about JAMB mock, and it’s simple to grasp, just like how the whole JAMB process will be for candidates who do the right thing at the right time. The whole process for JAMB mock is detailed in this writeup.

Prepare for your JAMB mock, sit for it and proceed to sit for your JAMB UTME exam in high spirits. Good luck.

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